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Your First Visit 



All new adult patients receive a comprehensive exam, a full set of x-rays, and POSSIBLY a dental cleaning (prophylaxis).


A comprehensive exam includes:

  • an oral cancer screening

  • cavity detection

  • gum check (periodontal probing)

  • TMJ and bite evaluation


A full set of x-rays are needed to check for cavity, root canal problems, gum disease and jaw pathology.

  • Our office will do our best to contact your insurance company to check on eligibility and coverage for this procedure. Most insurance policies only cover this x-ray once every 3-5 years.

  • If recent x-rays have been taken by a previous dentist, you may want to request a copy or let us know we can request it for you.



All children will receive a comprehensive exam, and possibly bitewing x-rays, a panorex x-ray, a child prophylaxis (cleaning) and a topical fluoride application.


  • All children will receive a comprehensive exam.


  • Newborn to 5-6 years old may not have any x-rays taken at all (if they are too small).


  • Bitewing x-rays can be taken as early as 5-6 years old if the child can tolerate them.


  • Panorex x-rays are taken at the age of 8.


  • A cleaning and topical fluoride are provided for all children, unless they are too young to cooperate.


Most new adult patients receive a prophylaxis (routine cleaning).  Not all patients may receive a prophylaxis if there are gum problems (periodontal disease) which require more extensive work to rectify.  The clinician will make that determination during the examination.

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